THIS IS THE LUWU REGENCY FRUIT OF THE DELICIOUS CHILDHOOD !!! Do you know Luwu County? For the uninitiated, Luwu is one of the districts of South Sulawesi Province, with the capital Belopa, about 15 minutes drive from Palopo City. Areas with a distinctive taste, if you stop here do not forget to try this fruit. The name of this fruit may sound familiar to some people. This one fruit is indeed a typical fruit from Luwu regency, South Sulawesi. The sweet taste makes this one fruit much in demand by the surrounding community. At first glance, this fruit looks like Rambutan fruit. But make no mistake, this fruit is different from the fruit of Rambutan especially in terms of taste. Fruit Tarra 'is shaped with slightly hairy skin resembling Rambutan fruit. However, Tarra 'fruit also has a resemblance to the Jackfruit fruit, except for the hair part. Tarra 'flesh is white and resembles fruit Jackfruit, but smaller, has no sap, and is softer. In terms of taste Tarra fruit 'has a sweet and fresh taste, and it would not hurt if you visit the Luwu District tasted this unique fruit. Tarra fruit seeds can also be consumed. The surrounding community usually wears the seeds of Tarra 'fruit before consumption. Tarra 'fruit trees are very large and tall, so are the leaves. Therefore, not many people dare to climb the tree, even some are just waiting for the fruit to fall.

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